I’ve got some things on my mind.


My Favorite MN Small Business Tools & Vendors

As an entrepreneur AND a Strategic Integrator that has worked with several Minnesota-based small businesses, I’ve worked with a number of other local resources, organizations, and businesses that have helped to make that magic happen. Show them some love!

Read on, boss.

Business Development, Guest Blog Regena Yu Business Development, Guest Blog Regena Yu

Are You Offering the Right Services? Let's Chat with Rashida McKenzie

When you first start a business, ideas for the products and services may come to you easily. But, when you first start a business, it’s also common that you want to do it all and suddenly, you may find yourself delivering on all the products and services that have you (and your team) being pulled in a million different directions. Cue Rashida McKenzie, a business and life strategist who works with highly ambitious women to achieve their personal & professional success!

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Making The Leap From Employee → Entrepreneur [Q224]

Entrepreneurship is the journey of starting, developing and growing your very own business. It’s not a new idea by any means, but is becoming a growing position especially amongst women. I’m excited to be sharing my own entrepreneurial story and highlighting the inspiring stories of 3 other incredible female entrepreneurs.

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Operations Office Hours: Solidifying Your Sales Process

No matter what type of business you’re in — a solid sales process is important to help you boost your revenue and meet your business goals. A sales process is a set of repeatable steps that you, as a sales person (yes, if you’re a business owner, you’re a sales person!) takes to move a prospective buyer to a closed sale. Learn the steps to a successful sales process.

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Business Development Regena Yu Business Development Regena Yu

Why Isn’t My Business Working?

It’s scary when starting a new business and figuring out how you will define success. Some may see their business scaling right away, but some may take much longer. No business is the same. There is no blueprint for a successful business. But you can design and perfect your own blueprint by understanding the three P’s: Profit & Loss, Processes & Systems, and People.

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Making The Leap From Employee → Entrepreneur [Q124]

Entrepreneurship is the journey of starting, developing and growing your very own business. It’s not a new idea by any means, but is becoming a growing position especially amongst women. I’m excited to be sharing my own entrepreneurial story and highlighting the inspiring stories of 3 other incredible female entrepreneurs in my network, too.

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How to Prepare For the Holidays As a Small Business Owner

As the holiday season nears, it’s important for small businesses to consider what it means for their business. The year-end hustle and bustle can be stressful, but don’t let it be! Get ahead of it as much as you can by starting your checklist now, and get yourself in a better position by the time December 31st hits to welcome the new year.

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Business Development Regena Yu Business Development Regena Yu

Introducing: Operations Office Hours

Introducing Operations Office Hours also known as OOH, your new go-to resource for conquering operational challenges. Join the dynamic duo of seasoned operations experts, Tiffany Hoeft and Jordyn DiOrio, as they provide accessible solutions through content and workshops, helping businesses streamline processes, optimize systems, make strategic hires, and achieve financial stability to reach new heights.

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Business Development, Resources Regena Yu Business Development, Resources Regena Yu

The JDP Resource Library is now OPEN!

As a serial entrepreneur and now a fractional COO (A.K.A. a professional problem solver), I've created the ultimate suite of resources (both free & paid valued at over $350+!) and to help you get organized, strategize your game plan, and make more MONEY. I believe there should be more businesses in this world and I'm happy to share my knowledge when I can.

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